
inspired by the recent posting of the gbde tutorial I went out and
set up an encrypted partition using geom_bde on my laptop. When
trying to umount this partition the umount fails with:

    # umount /crypto
    umount: unmount of /crypto failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

and the following message gets logged:

    fsync: giving up on dirty: 0xc456ec8c: tag devfs, type VCHR,
    usecount 5140, writecount 0, refcount 93, flags (VV_OBJBUF),
    lock type devfs: EXCL (count 1) by thread 0xc4240130
            dev ad0s3a.bde

This is with a fairly recent kernel, cvsupped a few hours ago:

    # uname -a
    FreeBSD tybalt 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #26: Mon Sep 29
    22:18:26 CEST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/i386/compile/TYBALT

The kernel config is a standard GENERIC with some device drivers
removed. geom_bde was loaded as a module. Please let me know if I
can provide further information.


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