
I had a -CURRENT setting with an Abit BE7-S and two SATA disks with vinum configuration. It worked very well until a power failure, and the mainboard died. Yesterday I got a replacement mainboard, the only type met the requirements (eg. two SATA ports) in the store: an Asus P4P800.

My only problem is with the disks. I can use all USB ports (8; what a server could do with eight USB ports?), the 3C940 Gigabit Ethernet port (I disabled the sound subsystem), and everything works until the first fsck, when the kernel paniced. Here is the dmesg:

GEOM: create disk ad0 dp=0xc6b4bb70
ad0: 4028MB <Maxtor 90422D2> [8184/16/63] at ata0-master UDMA33
acd0: CDROM <GCR-8523B> at ata0-slave PIO4
GEOM: create disk ad4 dp=0xc6b4b070
ad4: 117246MB <Maxtor 6Y120M0> [238216/16/63] at ata2-master UDMA133
GEOM: create disk ad6 dp=0xc6b4b170
ad6: 117246MB <Maxtor 6Y120M0> [238216/16/63] at ata3-master UDMA133
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/vinum/root
panic: ata_dmasetup: transfer active on this device!

I did further investigation: I booted from ata0-master, and mounted /dev/vinum/root as /mnt. A simple fsck -f -B /mnt killed the system. I did the same with /dev/ad4s1a (this is the boot hack partition from the handbook), then I switched off softupdates. No win. I tried to boot with safe mode either, but it hung with page fault.

What can I do? Besides, why my SATA interfaces are recognized as UDMA133?

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