Hi Rusty,

After I sent you the 'setup', I realized that it was mostly bhyve-related.

So I deleted the bhyve-related settings and reverted to simple VirtualBox 
configuration :

I use NAT for all my VM's under (VirtualBox VM ->) Settings -> Network.

My /boot/loader.conf has 'vboxdrv_load=YES' while my /etc/rc.conf has

My box has a single ethernet card (Realtek chipset) that shows up as re0.

re0 connects directly to a modem using static IP configuration.

There are two more pieces of information :

1) My Windows vm can smoothly access the internet (using NAT)

2) There is a way I can make Linux vm access the internet too :

Use bridged adapter instead of NAT, and then use re0 as the adapter.

But I want to be able to create the vm using NAT, which has always worked for 

Thank you & Regards,
Manish Jain

On 2019-07-13 01:02, Rusty Nejdl wrote:

On 2019-07-11 17:07, Manish Jain wrote:

Hi Rusty,

Thanks for responding.

I am using NAT under Settings -> Network, although I do not have any idea about 
NAT or bridges.

What I do is put the following in /boot/loader.conf :


Then I put the following in /etc/rc.conf :

cloned_interfaces="tap0 bridge0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm re0 addm tap0 up"

The setup above should permit my Realtek ethernet card to be made available to 

virtual machines. My Realtek ethernet card connects to a modem using static IP 

Interestingly, my Windows vm can access the internet freely. The Linux vm's are 
in a mess on the internet front.

Looking forward to help.

Thank you & Regards,
Manish Jain


You have a setup that I am not familiar with however, I've read that vboxnetflt 
kernel module is needed in the host system if you are using bridging mode.  
That information may or may not be accurate but can you try loading 
vboxnetflt.ko and seeing if you are then able to bridge out?

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