> I updated a system to -CURRENT last night and got a panic with alot of
> messages about UDMA failing (I don't have the exact messages, I can get
> them if need be).  I backed down the wdc0/wdc1 controller flags from
> 0xa0ffa0ff to 0x0 and everything is happy.  I figured its -CURRENT, and
> is to be expected.
> I updated another system to -STABLE as of earlier today, and I got the
> thing... *eeak*.  again backing down from 0xa0ffa0ff to 0x0 works like a
> champ.
> The messages came right after init(8) started, and before any of the
> filesystems were mounted r/w (it happened most during the fsck).
> I hope someone else has seen this (sorry I am so skimpy on the details, I
> will be able to provide more soonish.)
> uname -a:
> FreeBSD phoenix.cs.rpi.edu 3.2-STABLE FreeBSD 3.2-STABLE #0: Wed Jul 21
15:17:27 EDT 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/PHOENIX  i386
> dmesg:
> [...]
> ide_pci0: <Intel PIIX3 Bus-master IDE controller> rev 0x00 on pci0.7.1
> [...]

  I've seen the exact same problem on -stable builds since the 20th (I don't
know how much further back it went than that). I'm not in front of my
computer right now, but the errors were all DMA errors (status <ready> as I
recall). I have a PIIX4 controller. I played around with it a bit and found
that simply turning of the DMA hint in the flags cleared the problems (my
flags went from f0fff0ff to d0ffd0ff I believe). Actually, once I
accidentilly left the flags with DMA enabled on only 1 drive and only
received DMA errons on that single drive.
  I don't know if this is related, but my atapi CD (Acer 40x) still reports
DMA (apparently not affected by the wdc flags), but won't play audio CDs
from most CD apps (apparently the ones which use the CDIOCPLAYWMF ioctl to
play audio). This has been going on for longer, but I don't know if it was
maybe a precursor to the UDMA bug?

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