> Well, I am the person who has this problem.
> The RFCs does not explicitly say that we should not use underscore
> character
> as far as I understood. But it suggests which characters we should use.
RFC 952

   1. A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up
   to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus
   sign (-), and period (.).  Note that periods are only allowed when
   they serve to delimit components of "domain style names".

RFC 1101

   The current syntax for network names, as defined by [RFC 952] is an
   alphanumeric string of up to 24 characters, which begins with an
   alpha, and may include "." and "-" except as first and last
   characters.  This is the format which was also used for host names
   before the DNS.  Upward compatibility with existing names might be a
   goal of any new scheme.

The above two documents limit the characters that may be used a a _ is not
one of them. FreeBSD behaves correctly in this manner.

RFC 1033 is only a informational RFC and should not be treated as a


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