On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Louis A. Mamakos wrote:

> > 
> >     That IS a violation of the standard, since A records
> > are not valid for hosts in in-addr.arpa. 
> >
> And next I suppose you'll tell me that PTR records are not valid
> outsize of the IN-ADDR.ARPA portion of the DNS namespace?

        Given how PTR RR's are defined, I'd have to say, ayyup. 

> What people really miss is that the DNS is a distributed database
> with delegation, used for all sorts of purposes. 

        You get no argument from me there. However there is a difference
between defining "louie's_map_zone." and using that for whatever you want
to use it for, and trying to hammer your stuff into areas that already
have definitions. The tools exist to extend the protocol into other areas
as you see fit, and I say more power to you. But please don't try and drum
up sympathy for that "DNS should be all things to all people" line, it
didn't work well back then and doesn't work at all now. It's all we can do
nowadays to get people to configure "normal" things properly. AFAIC, the
software could stand to be smarter than it is already because they keep
making better idiots. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only
nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter
what it does.
                -- Will Rogers

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