On Thu, 26 Aug 1999, Kenny Drobnack wrote:

> Lately i have seen a lot of speculation as to what will happen when the
> Intel Merced comes out.  Will people wait 12-18 months for a 64 bit
> Windows (that's the amount of time I keep hearing it will take them to get
> Win2000 running on it) or will they just buy it and pop Linux onto it
> right away?  If the majority of the people opt for option #2, it may mean
> Linux will finally get a huge edge over M$!  
>       While Linux is a great OS, and I like seeing M$ have some
> problems, I would even more like to have the assurance of being able to
> run FreeBSD on 64 bit architecture.  Is there any port planned to that
> system?  Has anyone even mention it? Also, will the lib/compat end up
> having a linux32 and a linux64 directory so it can run both old Linux apps
> and new?

Merced is and has been the source of incredible amounts of fud.  Your
assertion that Merced has just shown up on the radarscreen is a little
short ... it's been promised my Intel for a long while now, more than 2
years, and it gets increasingly difficult to believe even the littlest
bit of stuff that Intel promises, least of which are their dates.

Absolutely no speculation on Merced is in the least bit worthwhile.  If
you need 64 bit stuff, both FreeBSD and Linux run on the Alpha, and work
fine.  Go take a look at that, it's exciting and it's TODAY.

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