Here's a passing thought I had which may be relevant.

Make uids randomly assigned. This solves the problem of collision between
uids on an introduced medium and the ones on the local system by making it
statistical (if the uid space is large enough). In order to manage this
among multiple machines, you'd probably need a synchronisation facility,
both online (connect to some network database), and by an "export/import"
facility which lets you dump a DB and import (parts of) it on another
machine. Storing the large uid in the inode is probably not feasible w/o
breaking compatability, but you could indirect it through a mapping table
loaded from elsewhere on disk when the FS is mounted.

The downside to this is not being able to assign the uids according to
your own numbering scheme. Perhaps what could be done is to have a lookup
table which maps between in-system uids and on-disk ones, such that the
kernel presents the translated uid to the system, and remaps the unknown


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