On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 12:18:21PM +0200, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> Then use fstat. :-)

OK, OK :)

> I think you've developed a complex solution to a more simply solved
> problem.  UNIX offers you lots of little tools for good reason.  Adding
> functionality to ftpd that is available through other tools doesn't seem
> wise to me.

I'm not yet convinced that your solution does what I want in a reliable

> What does "polling the directory" mean?

Scanning the directory for new files, as the aforementioned script does. If
you have more than one script doing this at the same time, both may conclude
that a given file is ``available'' and try to act upon it. Inevitably, one of
those scripts will fail. Hence my solution. But maybe I don't quite understand
the problem :-)

(Yes, I know you will say, "Don't run more than one script at a time then.".
But whether this is possible really depends on the application and moreover
seems to be an unecessary restriction.)

Jos Backus                          _/ _/_/_/  "Reliability means never
                                   _/ _/   _/   having to say you're sorry."
                                  _/ _/_/_/             -- D. J. Bernstein
                             _/  _/ _/    _/
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