| > I'd like to stay away from the commercial database suites (i.e. Oracle) for
| > the time being, however I will eventually move to it once the database grows
| > to over 100M records.  In the meantime however, I'm debating heavily between
| > MySQL and Berkeley DB with a multi-threaded socket frontend.  
| > 
| > Suggestions and comments?
| What's more important, flexibility to make changes, or speed?  Anything
| that implements sql has to be far slower, but if you make many changes,
| you're going to heavily regret choosing a set of C language functions
| as the base of your DB.

I think a proper equilibrium between the two would be most desirable, but, if
I had to choose one over the other it would definately be speed.  The actual
structure of the database isn't going to change much, if at all, I would
imagine.  Assuming it changes once a year, writing a conversion program
to read in the old structure and write out the new one doesn't seem quite so
horrendous.  On the other hand, its a lot more annoying than a simple 
ALTER .. ADD statement. :-)


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