On Thu, 20 May 1999, Dan Moschuk wrote:

>I've taken up a project that will rely very heavily on remote database
>access.  Naturally, the choice as to which database engine to use is a 
>crucial one.  
>I'd like to stay away from the commercial database suites (i.e. Oracle) for
>the time being, however I will eventually move to it once the database grows
>to over 100M records.  In the meantime however, I'm debating heavily between
>MySQL and Berkeley DB with a multi-threaded socket frontend.  
>Suggestions and comments?

¿Have you considered PostgreSQL? It is on the ports collection, and is a
heavy duty database engine, with transactions, subqueries (only partial
support), etc. Version 6.5 will be released in about two weeks, and it
adds MVCC (multi-version concurrency control), which will improve a lot
its multi-user capabilities. And, I know of some projects that are using
it for multi-GB databases. I've been using it for or student database
for more than two years (since version 6.0), and am quite happy with
it. See www.postgresql.org for more information.

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 91 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 91 331 92 29
E.U.I.T. Telecomunicación               e-mail: pjl...@euitt.upm.es
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ctra. de Valencia, Km. 7                E-28031 Madrid - España / Spain

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