On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Matthew Dillon wrote:

> :
> :     So I started thinking that maybe the problem was actually in
> :syslog (or amd's interface to it). So I disabled the following two options
> :in my amd.conf file:
> :
> :log_file =              syslog:local7
> :log_options =            all
> :
> :     And lo and behold, it worked like a charm. I was able to run my
> :conf-building script for my web server 20 times in a row with no ill
> :effects. Previously the best I could do was 3 times before it hung. 
> :
> :     After confirming that it worked with no logging, I tried enabling
> :logging to a regular file, and that also worked like a charm. After
> :turning syslog style logging back on, it locked up cold, with a very
> :similar traceback.
> :
> :     If anyone wants to work on this, let me know. 
> :
> :Doug
>     Are you syslogging to the console by any chance? 

        Here is syslog.conf:

*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit          /dev/console
*.notice;kern.debug;lpr.info;mail.crit;news.err /var/log/messages
mail.info                                       /var/log/maillog
lpr.info                                        /var/log/lpd-errs
cron.*                                          /var/cron/log
*.err                                           root
*.notice;news.err                               root
*.alert                                         root
*.emerg                                         *

local7.*                                        /var/log/amd.log

        Basically, it's what comes with the system plus that line for
local7. I am using a serial console setup for this box, but as far as I
could see from the logs amd did generate there were no events at *.err
priority, or to the kern facility, so nothing should have been printed to
the serial console. Also, just in case it matters I start syslogd with
-svv flags in rc.conf. 

>  Try messing around
>     with /etc/syslog.conf and see if just plain file logging prevents the
>     lockup -- you could even try turning off all logging (but leaving syslog
>     running, i.e. turning it into a sink-null) to see if that has an effect.

        I have to admit that you lost me here. Normal syslog stuff is
working just fine (where "normal" is freebsd system stuff), it's amd that
locks up. It's been kind of a hectic day here, in addition to this problem
so I might just be a little dense. Can you explain in more detail what
you'd like me to try?


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