Mike Smith wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Mike Smith wrote:
> >
> > > 'siobi' is someone trying to open the serial console, for whatever
> > > reason. Without knowing who it was that was stuck there, it's hard to
> > > guess what is going on.
> >
> >       D'uh, sorry. Long day. It was amd that was hung in the siobi
> > state. No way to clear it without rebooting the box.
> Dang.  Now I need that stack dump from amd that you posted and I
> deleted. 

        OK, sent under different cover. 

> Specifically, it'd be handy to know why amd felt it was
> necessary to open the console.

        Yeah, I'm kind of curious myself. BTW, I was going to work on this some
more today, but the boss thought that putting the box into production was
more important. The good news is that under real world load my freebsd box
had 20-40% free cpu and a load average of 1.5. With load as equal as the
switch could make it, the linux box had no free cpu and a load average of
8. :) I also (finally) got the approval to install freebsd on the fourth
box (there are already two linux machines up) so A) I'm making progress in
the office, and B) I should have a chance to pound on the syslog stuff



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