On 26 Jul 1999, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:

> Sheldon Hearn <sheld...@uunet.co.za> writes:
> > I plan to mention in the comments for each service in /etc/services, the
> > latest RFC describing the service.
> Good idea.

        Hmmmm... I'm not sure what this gets us. Wouldn't it be better to
place this kind of information in the man page that you suggest below? As
often as /etc/services gets read, do we really want to bloat it with
non-functional information?

> Don't. Instead, put it in a separate rfc(7) man page which you refer
> to in the services(5) man page. 

        Good suggestions all the way around. I'd also like to throw in
this link, which is the best RFC repository I've seen on the basis of
speed, reliability, and cross-indexing:

        If you really want to improve /etc/services, the first commit
should be to delete all the extraneous whitespace at the end of the lines.

23$ grep -c ' $' /etc/services

25$ grep -c '^I$' /etc/services

        Next it would be nice if we added entries for things in our system
that don't have them. (Hint: what's listening on ports 1022 and 1023?)
Then, someone either needs to fix getserv*() so that they accept port
ranges like 6000-6063/tcp (much preferred) or roll out those port numbers
in /etc/services (yuck). 

        It would also be nice if someone would take another look at
bringing our /etc/services file more up to date with IANA
(http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers). I believe
someone has a PR open on this... :) David O'Brien and I were working on it
for a while, but we both got busy working on other things. I had a pretty
good set of scripts going to produce a workable file in services format
from the IANA list, but what I should really do is write one perl script
to do it. I fear however that the chance of the file being updated on that
kind of scale would be very small (it always meets a lot of resistance) so
I'm not sure it would be worth it. Ideas? Comments?

        Finally I want to urge a lot of caution to anyone who tampers with
the file. I learned from painful experience that very small errors can
lead to big problems in very unexpected ways. For instance, my ipfw
firewall went totally nutso at one point because I had some comments in
/etc/services in the wrong format back when I was playing around with it.
This is not something to be tampered with lightly.

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