On 23.1.2011 23:58, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:

Good day!

We are using custom php application on FreeBSD 8.1R amd64. It is started
with php-fpm 5.3.3 from ports as backend and nginx 0.8.54 as frontend.
Several times per day this app is making self unavailable.

I think it would be more appropriate to ask this on the stable@ list.

Simple php-fpm restart solves the problem, but i need to track it down
to the cause of this situation and ask for your assistance and
instructions on how to debug it. Some facts about this:

On one hand, FPM is said to be very experimental...

Personally, I've been using apache22-worker or apache22-event + mod_fcgid for years without trouble.

- I don't know how to manually reproduce this, but it happens several
times every day
- It happens on FreeBSD 7.x too
- It happens with apache+mod_php instead php-fpm
- It happens with lighthttpd instead nginx
- It happens with both SHED_4BSD and SHED_ULE
- It doesn't happen on php =< 5.2.12
- It happens with and w/o eaccelerator

It looks very application-specific, possibly not really an OS problem (or maybe a problem of different expectations from the OS when porting from Linux).

- `top -mio` shows very high (80000-90000 for VCSW) VCSW/IVCSW values
for php-fpm processes and LA is more than 120

How many "real" user request are in these 120? Do any users at the time of problem (this doesn't look like a "crash") receive valid responses?

- user seeing http 502 error code in browser
- php-fpm log has many of this lines in time of crash:
Jan 23 17:56:58.176425 [WARNING] [pool world] server reached
max_children setting (100), consider raising it

Did you try raising it? Does the error happen ONLY when this limit is reached?

2011/01/23 17:57:00 [error] 38018#0: *26006023 writev() failed (54:
Connection reset by peer) while sending request to upstream, client:
xx.xx.xx.xx, server: some.server.org, request: "POST /?ctrl=Chat&
h1=38ca8b747a46098c3b1a4f39e6658170 HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://", host: "some.server.org", referrer:
2011/01/23 17:57:00 [error] 38016#0: *26029878 kevent() reported
about an closed connection (54: Connection reset by peer) while
reading response header from upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server:
some.server.org, request: "POST /?ctrl=Location&a=refresh&
h1=3c0916c16b1fc2e7015b71e90bbc3d23 HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://", host: "some.server.org", referrer:
2011/01/23 17:57:02 [crit] 38020#0: *26034390 open() "/tmp/nginx
/client_temp/1/74/0000000741" failed (13: Permission denied) while
sending request to upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server:
some.server.org, request: "POST /?ctrl=Chat&a=send&__path=chat_send&
h1=b0a53c86e3c744a01356a5030559ed1a HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://", host: "some.server.org", referrer:
2011/01/23 17:57:02 [alert] 38020#0: *26034390 http request count is
zero while sending to client, client: xx.xx.xx.xx, server:
some.server.org, request: "POST /?ctrl=Chat&a=send&__path=chat_send&
h1=b0a53c86e3c744a01356a5030559ed1a HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://", host: "some.server.org", referrer:
2011/01/23 17:57:03 [error] 38014#0: *25997903 upstream prematurely
closed connection while reading response header from upstream,
client:, server: some.server.org, request: "POST
h1=3ab289760a009b07b73c6d96cc94a509 HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://", host: "some.server.org", referrer:

These are some very varied errors, not especially consistent with each other.

Did you try some generic socket & TCP tuning like described in http://serverfault.com/questions/64356/freebsd-performance-tuning-sysctls-loader-conf-kernel ?

Other than that, you will probably have to debug the php-fpm processes. Start by observing in which state they are (top without "-mio"). If the processes are blocking, try "procstat -k <pid>" on them.

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