On 08/31/11 08:28, Ivan Voras wrote:
On 31 August 2011 14:45, Nathan Whitehorn<nwhiteh...@freebsd.org>  wrote:

It does let you set mountpoints, and displays them, and always has, but not
for bsdlabel container partitions (MBR type "freebsd"), since they aren't
filesystems. Is this what you were trying to do?

Very probably - it was unclear to me that it still keeps the old
slice-partition division but reverses the names. But, look at the
screenshots here and see what went wrong:


OK, that's exactly what happened. It also doesn't reverse the names -- it just drops the term "slice" completely.

If it is as you say, then the dialog where I entered "/" and "/srv"
should definitely NOT have that field on it.

Well, no. It only applies to bsdlabel containers. For instance, were I to want to mount an ext2 or fat32 partition directly under MBR, which the installer can do (and create, in the case of fat32), the mountpoint field is very important. What we *can* do is add a check that rejects mountpoints for partitions of type "freebsd". I'll see if I can code that up; it's too late for BETA2, however.
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