Am 25.11.2011 um 08:02 schrieb Jason Hellenthal:

> When using @reboot with cron you expect your proccesses to always start when 
> the system boots up and only when the system boots. But long after the system 
> in question had been booted, my @reboot processes ran again! after a 
> (/etc/rc.d/cron restart). This is normally fine and dandy until one of your 
> @reboot jobs needs to contain a process that purges files "files that are 
> already in use by a running daemon since the system has not rebooted" and 
> becomes hazardous.
> So with that said... is there a way we could actually make this run @reboot 
> only ?

I didn't even know cron had this feature.  Why wouldn't you add custom rc.d 
scripts for these tasks, or add the commands to rc.local?


Stefan Bethke <>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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