* Don Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001102 08:40] wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some questions that maybe someone could help with.


> 1).Does the network have any obligation to lock down a server,
> before they hand it over? They have been hit by 10 such attacks
> since mine and have changed the strategy to locking the systems
> down.

Not unless you have a contract that says that they are responsible
for locking the machine down.

> 2).Does the file and partition system look ok for a 2 drive
> Freebsd install? We mainly want to use 1 hd and have one for back
> up of the first.

The default should be ok for drive 1, you can make drive 2 a seperate
filesystem for doing backups and it would work fine.

> 3). Is the following a system that defeats the purpose of Freebsd,
> or is not a good way to use it?
> *Not from programmer
> Tell them to set up the drives as follows:
> ___1 paritition per drive___
> drive 1 mount to /
> drive 2 mount to /mnt/backup

That's a typlical 'Linux' partitioning choice, personally I dislike it
and prefer something link:

120M /
300M /var
2xRAM swap (limit 1 gig)
rest /usr

/usr may be split into /usr and /usr/home, if so /usr usually gets
about 1.5gigs and /usr/home gets the rest.

A couple of suggestions:

1) please wrap lines at 70 characters when posting to the list.
2) you seem to be in pretty bad need for a skilled FreeBSD
   consultant or full time admin.  

   see: http://www.freebsd.org/commercial/consulting_bycat.html
   or perhaps respond in private mail if you're interested in
   a training, perhaps we could work something out.

best of luck,
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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