On Fri, 30 Mar 2012 19:49:54 -0500, Adrian Chadd <adr...@freebsd.org> wrote:

There's no guarantee that upgarding a VM or rebooting it won't change
the config of said VM. Don't forget to diff the vm config file..

I'm not sure how this would be accomplished.... Am I supposed to be running backup software (rsync, etc?) on my ESX nodes now so I can capture these VM config files? How would I ever know what changed the VM files when? I'm sure if I called up VMWare and said "HEY YOU GUYS YOU BROKE THIS BY CHANGING THESE FILES" and then when they asked how I figured it out I told them I installed software that is definitely unsupported on their ESXi server to track it that they would certainly tell me to go pound sand.

Working in a black box environment is never fun. :(
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