On Fri, 14 Sep 2012 20:37:40 -0500, Mark Saad <nones...@longcount.org> wrote:

How do you have suj on 8.3 ? Are you using a patch ?

I don't have suj on 8.3

Also can you retest 9 with the following sysctlkern.timecounter.hardware=Acpi-fast

Yes, I'll attempt that as soon as possible. We're under a tight deadline to migrate critical resources off of VMWare now so I don't know how soon I can test.

Also in esxi what setup options do you have for the vm's ?

I'm not sure what ones I have off the top of my head, but VMWare support has previously poured over ever option to make sure nothing was misconfigured.

Lastly do you have esxi setup to talk to a ntp server ? If so can you confirm that it's working ? I mean the esxi host not the vm .

Yes, and yes. We've got a reliable NTP infrastructure at work and ESXi is definitely using it.
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