On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 09:46:23AM -0700, Yuri wrote:
> After the recent system upgrade that brought nvidia-driver-295.49 my 
> system began to malfunction.
> ...
> 9400GT
> I can't believe this is only my problem. I think the version should be 
> rolled back until the problem is fixed.
> ...

First:  I have been using nvidia-driver-295.49 since 11 May, and I have
not observed the above at all.  Indeed; I've been happy with the update.

I am running FreeBSD/i386; I run stable/8, stable/9, and head (on
different slices), updated daily.  (As of this morning, running
each at r236141.  I also update all installed ports daily ("portmaster
-da --index").)  Since I use a common /usr/local, I build my ports
under stable/8, though I rebuild x11/nvidia-driver each time I
rebuild the kernel (usually, 3x/day), and that is built under the
OS I'm running at the time.

My graphics card is identified as: NVIDIA GPU Quadro FX 770M (G96GL).

Recently, I "cloned" my stable/9 slice & rebuilt it using clang, and
everything still works Just Fine -- including x11/nvidia-driver.

So, at least in my case, I respectfully disagree with the assessment in
the Subject.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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