On 07/05/2012 01:28, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2012-Jul-05 09:22:25 +0200, Jonathan McKeown
> <j.mcke...@ru.ac.za> wrote:
>> As for the idea that Linux refugees need extra help to migrate,
>> that's the sort of thinking that led to things like:
>> alias dir=ls
> Whilst we're on the subject, can we please also have #define BEGIN
> { #define END } wired into gcc to help people migrating from Algol
> and Pascal.

Um, this kind of elitist crap really isn't helpful.

If the new feature gets created, and you don't want to use it, turn it
off. No problem.

I appreciate the people who've spoken up as to why they wouldn't want
to use it, but I haven't seen anything yet that says "having this
feature is a universally bad idea."



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