On 07/07/2012 17:35, Adam Vande More wrote:
> I am unclear on how this solves the main problem I think was stated
> about syncing up with release branches. 

I've already explained this at length in the past. ISC has changed both
their release schedule and their policy regarding not allowing new
features in a release branch. As a result, they release more frequently
than we do, and EOL supported branches sooner than we do.

Unbound has different policies and release schedules that are more in
line with ours. So in the short term (as in, the next few years) we're
better off with unbound in the base.

The ideal, long-term solution is to re-think what "The Base" is, and
give users more flexibility at install time. Unfortunately, there is a
knee-jerk "zomg, we don't want to be like linux!" reaction to that idea
which (to date) has prevented a rational discussion about it. I hope
that changes.



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