On 28 October 2012 19:11, Simon J. Gerraty <s...@juniper.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Oct 2012 14:06:41 +0000, Chris Rees writes:
>>Are we planning to replace /usr/bin/make with bmake in the near future?
> That was what I heard, but any such move is dependent on dealing with
> ports.  The ~sjg/ports2bmake.tar.gz on freefall is the plan I came up
> with after the above "requirement" was introduced at last BSDCan.
>>If yes, what changes are we going to make to the ports tree to ensure
>>that -CURRENT can still use it?
> If you mean -current (aka head); the plan is to convert ports to bmake
> syntax wrt to the 2 conflicting modifiers.  At my last test there are
> just under 300 makefiles in ports that use the old modifiers.
> Now for < head (ie. /usr/bin/make is an old version), the above ports
> tree detects that bmake is not being used, and invokes a shell script
> (bmake-sh) to do what was asked.
> That script will look for bmake and if necessary build/install it.
> To do that, it creates a temp copy of Mk/*.mk converted back to the old
> syntax so that the old make can build and install bmake, and then the
> old system is on par with -current.
> That's what I meant by "ports will take care of itself".
> The main gap btw in the above, is if a user who does not have privs to
> install bmake, is the only person trying to do something with ports.
> The above plan needs to be approved by portmgr, and obviouslty a test
> run of building all ports is needed (possibly more than one).
> Does that help?

Certainly, thank you.

I didn't find it clear when inspecting the tarball (obviously I hadn't
read the README clearly enough).

I'm going to have to echo John's non-obvious comment however, and I
think it would be very helpful to have a clear public writeup, perhaps
Q&A style to allay any other such fears.

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