Try adding the following to /boot/loader.conf and reboot:


The default value, -1, instructs the driver to leave the STA drives at their 
configuration default.  Often times this means that the MPT BIOS will turn off 
the write cache on every system boot sequence.  IT DOES THIS FOR A GOOD REASON! 
 An enabled write cache is counter to data reliability.  Yes, it helps make 
benchmarks look really good, and it's acceptable if your data can be safely 
thrown away (for example, you're just caching from a slower source, and the 
cache can be rebuilt if it gets corrupted).  And yes, Linux has many tricks to 
make this benchmark look really good.  The tricks range from buffering the raw 
device to having 'dd' recognize the requested task and short-circuit the 
process of going to /dev/null or pulling from /dev/zero.  I can't tell you how 
bogus these tests are and how completely irrelevant they are in predicting 
actual workload performance.  But, I'm not going to stop anyone from trying, so 
give the above tunable a try
 and let me know how it works.

Btw, I'm not subscribed to the hackers mailing list, so please redistribute 
this email as needed.


> From: Dieter BSD <>
>Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 9:03 PM
>Subject: Re: IBM blade server abysmal disk write performances
>> I am thinking that something fancy in that SAS drive is
>> not being handled correctly by the FreeBSD driver.
>I think so too, and I think the something fancy is "tagged command queuing".
>The driver prints "da0: Command Queueing enabled" and yet your SAS drive
>is only getting 1 write per rev, and queuing should get you more than that.
>Your SATA drive is getting the expected performance, which means that NCQ
>must be working.
>> Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to run on the
>> BSD 9.1 system to help diagnose this issue?
>Looking at the mpt driver, a verbose boot may give more info.
>Looks like you can set a "debug" device hint, but I don't
>see any documentation on what to set it to.
>I think it is time to ask the driver wizards why TCQ isn't working,
>so I'm cc-ing the authors listed on the mpt man page.
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