Greetings all.. 

  I have been trying to test an apache log analizing program called Nettracker
 ( the program seems nice except for the fact that it keeps
 rebooting/crashing the server. This would just be labeled crappy software
 except for the fact that I am running the software as user apache and have
setup process limits in login.conf and it is still able to reboot the server.
  This seems like a real problem and security issue as I have setup limits in
 /etc/login.conf (see below) and the program is being run via CGI as user
 apache, yet it is still capable of rebooting the system. Seems like a nice
 to me.
  If anyone could check over my  login.conf settings below and make sure they
 correct/ truly usefull, I would really appreciate it! Also any information on
 how this program could so easily reboot the server would be nice too.
 System is 4.1-STABLE and has 256 Megs of memory and 4X that of swap.
         :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/X11R6/man /usr/local/man:\
## standard - standard user defaults
         :path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\
         :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\

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