Likely, you're getting a panic() and since you likely don't have
  debugging options, the machine eventually reboots itself.
        Notice that this is all "likely" and that since we don't have a crash
  dump, stack trace, or similar debugging information, that there's not
  much that can be done except guessing.
        I would suggest that you try to reproduce the problem on a local
  machine and get some debugging info.

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Nicole wrote:

> >  Silent reboot :(
>  I hate to respond to my own message.. But the server is remote.. But there is
> nothing in the logs afterwards.. and nothing appears on the screen when it
> occurs.  
>    Nicole

> >>>  apacheuser:\
> >>>          :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/X11R6/man /usr/local/man:\
> >>>          :cputime=4h:\
> >>>          :datasize=64M:\
> >>>          :stacksize=4M:\
> >>>          :filesize=infinity:\
> >>>          :memoryuse=64M:\
> >>>          :priority=0:\
> >>>         :datasize-cur=32M:\
> >>>         :stacksize-cur=32M:\
> >>>         :coredumpsize-cur=0:\
> >>>         :maxmemorysize-cur=64M:\
> >>>         :memorylocked=32M:\
> >>>         :maxproc=128:\
> >>>         :openfiles=256:\
> >>>          :tc=standard:
> >>>  
> >>> ## standard - standard user defaults
> >>> ##
> >>>  standard:\
> >>>          :copyright=/etc/COPYRIGHT:\
> >>>          :welcome=/etc/motd:\
> >>>          :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\
> >>>          :path=~/bin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin:\
> >>>          :manpath=/usr/share/man /usr/local/man:\
> >>>          :nologin=/var/run/nologin:\
> >>>          :cputime=1h30m:\
> >>>          :datasize=8M:\
> >>>          :stacksize=2M:\
> >>>          :memorylocked=4M:\
> >>>          :memoryuse=8M:\
> >>>          :filesize=8M:\
> >>>          :coredumpsize=8M:\
> >>>          :openfiles=24:\
> >>>          :maxproc=32:\
> >>>          :priority=0:\
> >>>          :requirehome:\
> >>>          :passwordtime=90d:\
> >>>          :umask=002:\
> >>>          :ignoretime@:\
> >>>          :tc=default:
> >>>  
> >>>  default:\
> >>>          :cputime=infinity:\
> >>>          :datasize-cur=22M:\
> >>>          :stacksize-cur=8M:\
> >>>          :memorylocked-cur=10M:\
> >>>          :memoryuse-cur=30M:\
> >>>          :filesize=infinity:\
> >>>          :coredumpsize=infinity:\
> >>>          :maxproc-cur=64:\
> >>>          :openfiles-cur=64:\
> >>>          :priority=0:\
> >>>          :requirehome@:\
> >>>          :umask=022:\

        For starters, I don't see "sbsize" in there, although it doesn't
  sound like something that should be causing a panic() anymore anyway.
  Please provide more debugging infos.

  Bosko Milekic

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