In message <005801c07037$47ae6ea0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Renaud Waldura" writes:
: I've got that FreeBSD gateway in a corner at my house, it works fine & dandy
: but the constant noise (whirring fans, hard drives) gets on my nerves.
: What solutions have people explored to quiet down a computer system? (actual
: experience will be preferred over wild speculations). I'm already aware of
: PicoBSD, but I need more storage than just a floppy. Has anybody
: experimented with RAM cards? How about noise-proof enclosures?

CF cards work great!  They are very very quiet in normal operation.
In fact, if they do make noise, you have a really big probelm. :-)

I've also seen custom cases that have sound dampening devices but
still have sufficient airflow for most people's needs.

I've also run in a production machine where the edict was there shall
be no fans with big honkin heat sinks (like 9inch long 2inch high fins
running the length of the unit).  But that was a fairly custom design
and would likely be too expensive for the normal user (we also had to
underclock the CPUs as well to meet temperatuere specs).

I have a buddy that swears by the following low-tech cheap technique:
        Take a big cardboard box.  One that is about 1.5x the size of
        the box you want to keep quiet.  Knock a few holes in the box
        (small holes seem to work best, and only a few of them) and
        put the cardboard box over the unit.  Hav ethe cables come out
        the bottom.  Put something heavy on the box to keep in in
        place, but not too heavy since this is just cardboard.

But I've not tried this.  You'll likely need to try this on a system
that doesn't run hot to start with.  The CF cards will help a lot with 
the heat (since they run at room temperature, if they are generating
heat, again you have big problems).


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