On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 07:25:42PM -0500, Kevin Brunelle wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Sorry if you have heard this before, or if it is annoying. I just can't
> seem to find any information on this.
> I have been poking around my kernel for quite some time now, and I have
> been doing it with various text editors and programs of that nature. It
> suddenly occured to me that there might be a better way to go about
> this. So I ask you, are there any programs that make reading and editing
> the kernel sources any easier? I was thinking about possibly writing a
> utility to do something like this, if one cannot be found. I don't
> pretend to be super skilled; I just want some honest advice. Surely you
> aren't all hacking away on vi or the *other* editor.
> Well, thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Look at FreeBSD Source Tour at http://current.jp.freebsd.org/. I think it's
great for browsing the source code.

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