Now having free() write to stdout/stderr isn't necessarily a good thing
for daemons. If the message goes through a socket, it'll be hard to
debug, which was the original intent.

I suggest having some way so that when a program becomes a daemon,
it can set some "silent-libc" or "libc messages go to logs" instead of
using stdout/stderr.

Wouldn't it not be cool if err() and warn() had the capability of using syslog
instead of a file or std* when needed. err_set_file allows one to use a file
instead. How about allowing the use of syslog?

At 16:16 22/02/01 +0300, Dmitry Dicky wrote:
>Also, if you do something like:
>         void *ptr = malloc(size);
>         ptr++;
>free() will complain about it.
>Make sure you are not modifying ptr after it has been malloc()ed.
>On 22-Feb-01 Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > * Madhavi Suram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010222 05:09] wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> I am running a C program in user space on FreeBSD 3.3 release. I got a
> >> warning like this:
> >>
> >>      testing in free(): warning: modified (chunk-) pointer.
> >>
> >> testing is the name of the executable I am running.
> >>
> >> Could anyone tell me what this warning means?  What may be the effect
> >> of
> >> this code when I shift it to kernel with due modifications?
> >
> > It means you've most likely corrupted your malloc pool, meaning you've
> > written past/before the edge of an allocation you've done.
> >
> > To fix it start being mor careful with pointers and checking array
> > bounds.
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Alfred Perlstein - [[EMAIL PROTECTED]|[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
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