On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, mouss wrote:

> Now having free() write to stdout/stderr isn't necessarily a good thing
> for daemons. If the message goes through a socket, it'll be hard to
> debug, which was the original intent.
> I suggest having some way so that when a program becomes a daemon,
> it can set some "silent-libc" or "libc messages go to logs" instead of
> using stdout/stderr.
> Wouldn't it not be cool if err() and warn() had the capability of using syslog
> instead of a file or std* when needed. err_set_file allows one to use a file
> instead. How about allowing the use of syslog?

Open AF_UNIX socket to syslogd and then use err_set_file()
to redirect all err/warn messages to syslogd instead of
stdin/stdout. That should help you debug daemons.

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