In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Smith writes:
>The FreeBSD project already has a BSD/OS source distribution, however the 
>required information is NOT THERE.  Ok?

Okay.  I just figured I'd ask, since it's information I have.


Out of idle curiousity, has the NIH syndrome died down enough that it might
hypothetically be possible for the three major *BSD camps to cooperate on this
kind of thing?  Form an organization the purpose of which is to get access
to driver docs *for all three systems*?  An organization which can claim to
represent 2N or 3N users, instead of N, *might* be able to get people to
listen more closely... Especially if it maintained a page describing hardware
and vendor relations, and a lot of people got in the habit of linking to it.
Does Intel care if there's a page saying "Intel has refused to provide specs,
so we are obliged to recommend Frobozz Magic Ethernet instead"?  Probably not,
but they *might*.  More than they care about mutterings on mailing lists,


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