On 2001-03-10 21:56 -0600, Peter Seebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Out of idle curiousity, has the NIH syndrome died down enough that
> it might hypothetically be possible for the three major *BSD camps
> to cooperate on this kind of thing? Form an organization the purpose
> of which is to get access to driver docs *for all three systems*? An
> organization which can claim to represent 2N or 3N users, instead of
> N, *might* be able to get people to listen more closely... Especially
> if it maintained a page describing hardware and vendor relations, and
> a lot of people got in the habit of linking to it. Does Intel care
> if there's a page saying "Intel has refused to provide specs, so we
> are obliged to recommend Frobozz Magic Ethernet instead"? Probably
> not, but they *might*. More than they care about mutterings on mailing
> lists, certainly.


This sounds like something that Daemon News might be able to help
with.  Are you interested in spending some time on it?  Our staff
is stretched very thin right now and can't really take on any more
projects without additional volunteers.  If you or another interested
party has the time, though, I think that the attempt should be made
and that Daemon News is the right umbrella for it.

Gregory S. Sutter                     The measure of a man is the way
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         he bears up under misfortune.
http://www.daemonnews.org/                        --Plutarch

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