In message <Pine.BSF.4.21.0103242148060.89919-100000@localhost>, Dan Feldman wr
>under the moniker "Public Source," after refusing to comply with Open
>Source Foundation rules for using the Open Source trademark. OS X ships
>with such industry-standard sofware as the Z shell and the Apache Web
>server, although the company recently announced to not contribute to
>either product.

"announced intentions", I assume.

>hardly any relationship to FreeBSD whatsoever, including TOPS-20,
>WindRiver, VMS and AmigaOS. 

WindRiver is a company, I believe the OS is called "vxWorks".

Anyway, while this is hilarious, I'd be inclined to argue for trying to
work *with* them, rather than against them.  No matter how hard or futile
it seems.


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