You're right, there's no need to pick fights. But I'm just pointing out
that there's no reason FreeBSD should work particularly hard to create the
appearance of an alliance with Apple, when all they've done is use the
source of some kernel components and a number of utilities for a
commercial product. After all, Microsoft is rumored to have done exactly
the same thing at times and I have yet to see any press releases about a
relationship with _them_.

On the other hand, a little evangelism could really help FreeBSD right
now. There could be more users, for one, although I doubt millions of
former Mac users will switch regardless of the press. The BSDs don't rely
on big companies to support them as much as Linux does, so I don't think
convincing corporate managers to switch will really help the project. What
FreeBSD could use is some kind of magic way to attract developers from the
other Unices, but I don't see that coming.

What would help FreeBSD the most? An on-time, complete and stable release
of 5.0. When I have a bit more free time, I'm planning to fix a few
easy PRs....

 - dan feldman
   student, garfield high school, seattle

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Peter Seebach wrote:

> In message <Pine.BSF.4.21.0103242148060.89919-100000@localhost>, Dan Feldman wr
> ites:
> >under the moniker "Public Source," after refusing to comply with Open
> >Source Foundation rules for using the Open Source trademark. OS X ships
> >with such industry-standard sofware as the Z shell and the Apache Web
> >server, although the company recently announced to not contribute to
> >either product.
> "announced intentions", I assume.
> >hardly any relationship to FreeBSD whatsoever, including TOPS-20,
> >WindRiver, VMS and AmigaOS. 
> WindRiver is a company, I believe the OS is called "vxWorks".
> Anyway, while this is hilarious, I'd be inclined to argue for trying to
> work *with* them, rather than against them.  No matter how hard or futile
> it seems.
> -s
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