>From the top level page I read hotmail handles 550,000 change
requests a day.  Later in the article they say they have a
5000 server farm.  That translates to 110 change requests a
day on average per server.  If the peak rate is 10 times the
average, that is still only about 1100 requests/server/day or
about 78 seconds on average.  This rate seems quite low even
when you account for multiple web page servings per change
request....  Am I missing something obvious?

they say this:

    With these major changes and few other minor ones, the
    number of requests per second that could be handled
    nearly doubled what the live site was experiencing.

Compared to what?  FreeBSD servers running perl based cgi
scripts?  Or converted servers running c++ based scripts?
Even if the latter, a mere doubling of performance makes me
think very likely they did not look at *all* the hotspots
(meaning carefully look at where and how much time is spent
for each request on every machine taking part, bandwidth of
network and disk etc).  And you have to keep looking since
hotspots move as you speed things up.

Though, a lack of good Unicode support on FreeBSD seems like
a legitimate enough reason for the move.

Regardless, note that doubling of the performance meant they
saved anywhere from $10M to $20M (5000 servers x (price +
maintenance of each server) - development and testing costs).
Another doubling would still save them $5M or so!  I'd take
that challenge if I can get 50% of the savings!:-)

It would be interesting to see what Yahoo has done for Yahoo

-- bakul

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