On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:55:09PM -0300, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:

> And just to get things worse... :-) the test must be made on the *same*
> slice. If you configure two different slices, the one on the outer
> tracks will be faster.

I cannot verify that with my drive, but my largest is 18GB so maybe
the difference is not as pronounced as on some newer drives like those
(currently) monster 70GB drives.

A 70GB IBM Ultrastar supposedly can physically outrun the internal
electronics on the faster tracks. One review I read mentioned it as a
problem, though I'm not sure why. 

In any case, I'm not quite that picky, and I would not think that
postmark would benefit as much from being on the faster tracks. It's
doing a lot more complicated things than just streaming data.

"And in billows of might swell the Saxons before her,-- Unite, oh
unite!  Or the billows burst o'er her!" -- Downfall of the Gael
Charles Shannon Hendrix      s h a n n o n @ w i d o m a k e r . c o m

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