On Wed, 30 May 2001, Terry Lambert wrote:

> The intent of the "test" is obviously intended to show
> certain facts which we all know to be self-evident under
> strange load conditions which are patently "unreal".

> I would suggest a better test would be to open _at least_
> 250,000 connections to a server

That would certainly qualify for the "patently
unreal" part, but I don't know what else you
want to prove here.

> This could easily be the case with, for example, a pager
> network or other content broadcasting system, or an EAI
> tool, such as IBM's MQ-Series.

Doing a gigabit per second in 3kB per second connections
doesn't seem all that realistic when you realise that
they'll want their messages only acknowledged when they
are safely on disk, etc...  Think "transactions".


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