On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 05:55:38AM -0400, Brent Verner wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm not sure if this has been the default for gcc/cpp on FBSD 
> for  a while but I noticed it since some ports failed to build 
> due to includes (present in /usr/local/include) not being found.
> Has this changed, or is that port (wget) just broken.

gcc does not have /usr/local/include in its include path by default.
Did you pick wget as a random example, or is it really broken for you?
If it is broken, you should probably update your ports collection,
and make sure that you do not have any CPPFLAGS defined in your
make environment: ports/ftp/wget/Makefile has included -I${PREFIX}/include
in its environment ever since rev. 1.17 from August 2, 1999:

On second thoughts, you might have a problem if you are trying to
install the wget port in a location other than /usr/local.
If you change PREFIX, then the -I{PREFIX}/include directive would
point to the location you want to install wget at, not at /usr/local.
In that case, the proper course of action would be to first install
the devel/gettext port into the same location (using the same value
of PREFIX); then, its include files would be in ${PREFIX}/include,
its libraries would be in ${PREFIX}/lib, and wget would build just fine.


I had to translate this sentence into English because I could not read the original 

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