[This is most likely a ports issue, so kicked to -ports]

On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 10:56:42PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> On second thoughts, you might have a problem if you are trying to
> install the wget port in a location other than /usr/local.
> If you change PREFIX, then the -I{PREFIX}/include directive would
> point to the location you want to install wget at, not at /usr/local.
> In that case, the proper course of action would be to first install
> the devel/gettext port into the same location (using the same value
> of PREFIX); then, its include files would be in ${PREFIX}/include,
> its libraries would be in ${PREFIX}/lib, and wget would build just fine.

No, this  is not  really correct.   When ports  are looking  for other
installed  ports,  they  should  use  ${LOCALBASE}  or  ${X11BASE}  as
appropriate,  not ${PREFIX}.   In other  words, the  wget port  should
probably  specify  -I${LOCALBASE}/include  instead of/in  addition  to


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