:Go to http://www.uspto.gov/patft/, search for patent number 5873127, and
:you will find the description of mapping page table entries into virtual
:memory via one page directory entry pointing to the page directory itself
:- exactly what FreeBSD does with PTDPTDI and APTDPTDI entries on i386.
:(including using alternate space as in get_ptbase() in i386/pmap.c to
:access page table entries of different processes).

    hahahahahahaa....The patent was filed in 1996. In the 90's the patent
    office starting granting patents for everything under the sun without
    doing real prior art searches.  I'm sure even just going to the candy
    store these days is patented by someone... it's meaningless unless
    someone decides to challenge and in this case there is so much prior art
    (just in our own CVS tree, not to mention other sources) that they
    would lose fairly quickly.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much.  It isn't a problem unless it
    becomes one.


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