On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Matt Dillon wrote:

>     This is fairly easy to do.  You can use SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF
>     socket opts to adjust the tcp buffer space.  You can make the default
>     small and receive-centric and when you think you've got a good
>     connection you can pump it up.
>     I used fixed assymetric TCP buffering at BEST - I made the send buffer
>     a lot bigger then the receive buffer.  Or, more to the point, I left
>     the send buffer pretty much alone and made the receive buffer smaller.

True, but what I meant is that the amount of memory required to hold a
connection from a client with SYN-ACK-SYNACK already being sent shouldbe
really minimal, like around 100 bytes or so ... and this structure is
upgraded to look like a socket structure only when the proxy decides that
it can take more connections. Otherwise neither are we wasting too much
memory, and it won't be really bad to jsut throw away the connection.

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