> I guess we beat you to the punch...
> We have a product which is now shipping, and which currently
> supports 1,000,000 concurrent connections.

I guess quite a lot of people are at it right now, the prime one is 
NetScaler. If I'm not wrong, they brag about a million connections or so,
on a box that's running FreeBSD 2.x ... inside sources informed me that
they rewrote the entire kernel, and are now finding it difficult to
proceed ... (anybody from NetScaler please correct me)

> As Matt implied about maxing out connections, you can make
> it, if you are willing to work at it long enough.
> I did several patches, which I've posted to -current or
> -hackers or -stable, which are really very necessary;
> not all of them have made it into FreeBSD, but they will
> have to, if anyone else wants to duplicate the feat.  This
> includes the maxfiles in /sys/conf/param.c, which everyone
> said was gross, but no one could suggest a better way of
> doing the job.  You already got the best one for free,
> when I squashed the Heisenbug a while ago.

Without killing me, could you tell if it was userland code that maxed the
connections (with all the file descriptors), or just a socket structure
based server that you ran ? I guess with fds, you end up storing more
information for nothing, one each per socket structure.

> I guess you could tell me, but then you'd have to kill me...

Right. Or my bosses kills me (Yes, I've got 2 bosses !). Simple.

> and role, which isn't really very useful (IMO).  People
> have been pushing on this pretty hard lately, since there
> was a recent benchmark debate the turned out to be nothing
> more than bad tuning and a poor application architecture
> match to the OS.

I did follow that discussion, and my conclusion is that it is probably
wise to leave it to users to do what they think is right :-)

> PS: You're ex-IBM, right?  I think I remember you from a
> Linux FS project mailing list a while back... Me too... IBM
> bought the startup I worked at about two years ago.  

Right, but how do you know I'm from IBM ? BTW the FS project was my degree
project in the university.

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He who knows nothing, knows nothing.
But he who knows he knows nothing knows something.
And he who knows someone whose friend's wife's brother knows nothing,
        he knows something.  Or something like that.

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