On Jul 12, Julian Elischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> AND we still don't have a working standard SACK implementation.

When I asked about SACK about 18 months ago (IIRC), the general consensus
was that it was a pile of crap, and that FBSD SHOULDN'T implement it if
possible. I however, agree that there are a lot of things in SACK that would
massively benefit FBSD's net performance.
> >   of running out of clusters way before MBUF's.)
> This CAN be set separatly I think..

I'd like to see where... 

Paul Robinson                   ,---------------------------------------
Technical Director @ Akita      | A computer lets you make more mistakes
PO Box 604, Manchester, M60 3PR | than any other invention with the 
T: +44 (0) 161 228 6388 (F:6389)| possible exceptions of handguns and
                                | Tequila    - Mitch Ratcliffe

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