On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Giorgos Verigakis wrote:

> Hello, I'm using Zope application server (www.zope.org) on FreeBSD
> and I'm experiencing some serious performance issues.
> Since I hadn't noticed any problems at the past with Linux, I did
> some  benchmarks to investigate it a little.
> I've written a small program that connects to Zope and tries to
> retrieve a non-existant URL (source code appended). While Linux
> performed almost linearly depending on the number of hits/sec,
> FreeBSD (and OpenBSD) performed exponential. I allready sent
> a mail to the zope-list but I did not get much info.
> Since Zope is a threaded application I was wondering maybe it
> was related with the thread implementation (the scheduling maybe?)

I suspect that the reload time spiking is due to our initial sequence
number generation scheme, which is currently shared with OpenBSD.  This
will be changing RSN, which will likely change how your benchmarks look.
(They should look better after the change.)

I'm curious about the reload time, though.  Is it really in seconds?  What
is it measuring?

Oops, I just noticed the source below... I'll read it and try out the test
to see if my above theory is correct later today.

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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