On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 01:01:20AM -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Jonathan Lemon wrote:
> > >I'm trying to use the TCP&IP checksum offload capability of the Netgear
> > >GA620 NIC from a SMP FreeBSD 4.2R system running on a typical PIII SBC.
> > >I did enable TCP&IP cksum offload for receive operations by setting the
> > >if_hwassist flag in the driver /sys/pci/if_ti.c and verified that it is
> > >working. However I'm unable to offload TCP&IP checksum for the send
> > >operations.
> > 
> > All you need to do is uncomment the TI_CSUM_FEATURES flag at the top
> > of the file, and recompile.
> He didn't say his packet size, either.
> To the original poster: if you are sending jumbograms, the
> buffer size on these cards is limited, so the entire packet
> can't be in the card buffer at the same time, which means
> that you can not offload the send checksum for jumbograms,
> only for regular sized packets.

This is true for the nge driver.  Does it apply to the ti driver as well?  

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