David Miller wrote:
> > Probably, you are doing something whic you aren't telling us,
> > like saying "ls *.c | wc -l" or otherwise using globbing that
> > the shell expands to too large a list.
> >
> > The easy answer is "use ``find'' instead of ``ls''".
> Indeed, but it doesn't answer the basic questions, which was: Is there any
> easy way to override ARG_MAX (or arbitrary other paramaters) in make.conf
> or a config file, or something else altogether?

No, there is no easy way.  The limit is there in the POSIX
standard, and it exists because of the need to pass data
from a parent to a child over a fork + exec.

The correct answer is to use "find", and either pipe or
call "xargs" on the output.

No matter what you do, you are going to not overcome the
limit on programs that are already built (like your shell),
which includded the header file and referenced the manifest
constant where the limit is defined.  So compatability with
exiting binary apoplications already limits any change you
might want to make to this.

-- Terry

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