In the last episode (Jan 11), Wilko Bulte said:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 08:03:36PM -0600, Dustin Puryear wrote:
> > After a month of futile searching I am unable to find a sar-like
> > tool available for FreeBSD. I was alerted to the SNMP capabilities
> > of FreeBSD.  However, it would still be nice to have a system-level
> > tool available that doesn't require SNMP. Does anyone know of
> > anything for FreeBSD that is sar-like? If a sar-like tool isn't
> > available, I may just begin writing

Sar and SNMP provide completely different services.  Sar gives you
historical reports, where SNMP is a network service that gives you only
the current value of a stat.
> sar comes from the SysV world. You would probably also need counters
> in the kernel to gather statistics. At least that is how SysV does
> it. Sounds like a lot of work to me.

There are already kernel counters for most (probably all) of the things
sar would need to measure.  The only problem is writing sar, sa1, sa2,
and sadc.  If you don't mind the GPL, the Linux systat package includes
an implementation of sar.  In 1999, SCO promised to release their
source under MPL, but never did.

        Dan Nelson

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