On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 10:54:55PM +0100, BOUWSMA Beery wrote:
> Mahlzeit!
> %s wrote on %.3s, %lld Sep 1993


> > > and build a kernel, and if you're trying to do that with a read-only
> > > source, the default location for your kernel config file is within
> > > that.  This is solved in -CURRENT and is trivial to patch -STABLE to
> > Or you can just use the 'kernel,' 'buildkernel,' and 'installkernel'
> > targets in the /usr/src Makefiles.
> Erm...  now I'm confused.  I'm not sure what I should think that you
> thought that I meant to say if I didn't mean what I meant or wasn't
> clear in saying what I should have said but might not have.
> The build procedure should be done as usual --
> # make (env variables if not given in /etc/make.conf) -j4 buildworld
> # make KERNCONF=FreeBEER KERNCONFDIR=/usr/local/etc/conf -j4 buildkernel
> # make KERNCONF=FreeBEER KERNCONFDIR=/usr/local/etc/conf installkernel
> and so on...

No, I was confused. I thought we were discussing how to do an "old
fashioned" kernel build in a read-only /usr/src/sys.
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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