On Thu, 7 Mar 2002 10:42:05 -0800
"David O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 08:09:06AM -0600, GB Clark wrote:
> > > I've tested it with :
> > > 
> > > cc -O6 -o malloc_test malloc_test.c
> > 
> > That -O6 does not look right from here.  Do we support anything over
> > -O2?
> > 
> > And how about some source for malloc_test.c?  The fact of running
> > something at -O6 started some bells ringing.
> Not us, but GCC does not support anything over -O3.  -O4 and above are
> treated as -O3.  I *really* wish people would have a clue with with in
> the hell they think they are achieving with -O<bignum>.  Not all
> optimizations are appropriate in all cases.  And given this level of
> optimization and the fact that the linux box is probably a different
> version of GCC, I wonder how much of this could be due to the compiler.
> Please rerun your tests with '/usr/bin/time -l' on FreeBSD and however
> you achieve the same on Linux.

Sorry, no -l on Linux box!

> P.S. are you sure you are swapping, vs. paging?

Dimitar Peikov
Programmer Analyst
Globalization Group
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